I'm sad to say I'm back from my trip to Cali! :( I didn't get around to blogging as much as I wanted to during my trip, so I'm going to have a bunch of posts coming your way soon! Before heading to my trip to Michigan and then Cali, my brother and I completed a 3 day juice cleanse. This consisted of only drinking fresh cold pressed juice for 3 days straight and allowing the body to detox and clean out. My brother and I both felt amazing after completing it and really noticed a difference in our appetite and diet. We were no longer craving cookies (our biggest weakness) and really craved to eat clean raw foods like salads, fruits and veggies. During my trip, like any vacation, it's always easy to eat bad.. I tried to stay clean but didn't eat as clean as I wanted to! I met up with my friend Nadia, who was also on vacation in San Diego from the East Coast, to get some fresh green juice! We found this cute little shop called Liv in San Diego to finally fulfill our cravings!
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