'In the midst of all the glamour I hope you find God.'

Apr 19, 2012

Team Nadoona: Vote Now

Michelle Obama's second annual Let's Move campaign "invites faith-based, community, and other organizations to create inspiring videos about their efforts to reverse the trend of childhood obesity." 

This year, for the Let's Move Campaign, Nadoona has submitted a video and is currently in third place. For those of you who don't know about Nadoona, it is a non profit health and fitness organization run by Muslim women. Nadoona has many services like weight loss, meal plans, online recipes and more. Check out their website here: Nadoona First place winners will attend an Event in Washington D.C. and meet Michelle Obama as well as being featured in the Let's Move Campaign online. 

Support our fellow sisters and please take the time to vote by following this link: 

For those of you who are interested you can start a Nadoona chapter in your city. Insha'Allah when I move to Philly in October for work, I would like to start a Philly chapter. It's a great chance to bring Muslim women together for support and encouragement in maintaining healthy lifestyles. 


  1. I live in Philly and would love to get involved with something like this! Are you excited to be moving? Where will you be working?

  2. InshaAllah keep posted to my blog I will definitely share the news once I get everything figured out! I'm excited to move but I will miss home very much! I will be working at an accounting firm downtown inshaAllah :)

    1. That's exciting. Inshallah all goes well. I look forward to learning more about this. Good luck with the move and who knows, maybe one day we'll bump into each other :)
